Following is a list of services we offer. Should your requirement not be covered by the below please contact us for a discussion on your needs.

Subsea Consultancy is highly specialized in the tendering process with successful projects won from $500,000.00 to $400,000,000.00.
We can guide you through the tender requirements and create a road map from start to completion. We don’t guarantee you will win a contract but we can certainly help in putting you in the frame to do so.

Probably the most important part of any tender. An omission, however small, will cost you money. Subsea Consultants can tailor a worksheet to cover every cost, or at the very least to ensure you can discount any number of a vast array of items. Simple to use or we can fill it out with information supplied by you.

For all subsea operations, procedural documentation is a must, without it, any claim made has no basis. The Technical Authorship of procedures is a skill that requires experience and understanding of the operation and should cover every aspect of the task to be undertaken.
Subsea Consultants has a library of technical documentation that we can tailor to your requirement, or procedures can be written to suit your purpose.

Once the on-site work is finished and the equipment checked and stowed, what is left to prove the job ever took place? The report; without it final payments may be withheld, reputations are on the line, and the project is incomplete.
Reporting is underrated in importance when compared to the work undertaken. If the report is describing an inspection, it should accurately capture the condition of the job site. If it’s detailing a construction job, the report should provide the Client with a baseline for future inspections.
A poorly compiled report will make for an unhappy Client.
Subsea Consultants has many years of experience in Report Writing and can assist or wholly undertake the preparation of draft and final reports.

A service to review and comment on your documentation, an essential point that provides an unbiased and professional view on quality and content.

Project management, without it where would you be? Chaos? Loosing money? Without the correct management and direction, projects small or large are doomed. Consider the effort expended to win a contract and the feeling of euphoria when award comes through only to wonder, ‘How are we going to organize this?’  The last thing you want is go at it without an organized plan.
Subsea Consultancy can provide a step by step guide with key points and milestones to make the way forward to submission manageable. We can also provide on site representation at anytime during the tender process. This may be important for several reasons.

Kick off meeting between Sub-sea Consultancy and Client.

Initial tender meetings at the Company office.

Mid-tender meetings at the Company office.

Final days to submission.

Usually the Project Manager is involved from the time it is decided to participate in a tender. The initial set up of available staff and task assignment is critical to the way forward.

It’s worth remembering that a tender submission is judged on many aspects with your presentation being the first view of your proposal.